I am an Audrey Hepburn fan! My Instagram page obviously shows it: wendyflor_40.
Instagram photo was taken at Heyri Art Village and going to an Audrey Hepburn Cafe in Seoul isn’t a far-out idea!
My friend and I did as there’s one near Mangwon Station, an up and coming artsy neighborhood.

What do you expect to see in an Audrey Hepburn themed cafe? Hepburn-inspired mugs, plates, totes, wall decors… Fill the place with Audrey Hepburn, I won’t mind at all! She’s the epitome of beauty and elegance!
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
– Audrey Hepburn
I particularly love her inspiring quote above. It is kind. It is generous. It is about others and not about herself.
“You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.”
― Audrey Hepburn
And always, always be dignified with the words that come out of your mouth (or typed by your fingers)… because what comes out of your mouth (or typed by your fingers) is an expression of your thoughts. And your thoughts speak so much about the kind of person that you are and never about others you aim to pull down.

I am so inspired by this lady… and I might just see myself in the Audrey Hepburn Cafe once again… to reflect about each day as it comes and just be inspired to think about beautiful thoughts and create exquisite moments, day by day.
How to go there?
Get out of Exit 1 of Mangwon Station. You will see Starbucks right beside it. Walk in that direction and you will be at the Audrey Hepburn Cafe in 2-3 minutes.

When it comes to Hepburns I’m more Katherine than Audrey, but the latter still looms large over the golden hollywood pop culture landscape. The cafe definitely looks cute and dainty. The Hyeri Arts Village is still a great place to visit!
She is an icon:-).
I’m a fan of themed cafes! It’s my first time to hear about this Audrey Hepburn Cafe, I’ll definitely add this in my side trip when I visit the Heyri Art Village. How’s their food and the prices?
The cafe is not in Heyri Art Village. It’s in Mangwon:-)
With a themed cafe dedicated to a person, I bet Seoul will NEVER run out of ideas for their coffee shops. Not a bad idea if you ask me especially if this cafe doesn’t include neglected sheep, puppies, racoons or other poor animals of the month. Would you want a Wendy themed cafe? if not, why not?:P
Why not? Hahaha! I would love that! The difference is, I have to pay my family and friends to patronize my Wendy-themed cafe, lol.
OMG I’m a Audrey Hepburn fangirl, too!! She is perfection. So much class and elegance in one stunning woman that never really took her ridiculous good looks too seriously and instead was selfless and did so much charity work around the world. #goals. I love Korea so much at times because they take the idea of concept-themed stores/cafes/restos to unknown heights!