random musings

My 2025 New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t make a list of New Year’s resolutions because I know how fleeting one’s resolve can get. Just how light people take New Year’s Resolutions can be seen in their social media posts and responses. Everybody gets a good laugh about it so, I guess that’s alright since everyone’s happy.

This year is going to be different for me, though. I am challenging myself to have a list of my 2025 New Year’s Resolutions and making it public here to level up the challenge I am putting myself up with. It is going to either have a good success rate or will be a dismal failure. It will be on me, my source of pride, or my embarrassment.

Taking off from my Personal Takeaways from 2024, here are my 2025 New Year’s Resolutions:

Weight Target by June 2025: 55kg by working out regularly and eating healthy

This is very specific. I think setting a goal such as weight loss needs to have a fixed number. There is a number to reach and once you have reached that number, you can choose to set another goal. It gives a more precise direction.

For my petite frame of 5″1, 55kg is still heavy. But, you see, I am 59kg at the moment. Very heavy, right? At my heaviest, I was 63kg. So, 55kg is (hopefully) realistic. This will be fast if I take a zero-carbohydrate diet. I have a beautiful friend who did just that and she looks as good as ever. She had so much discipline in maintaining her zero-carbohydrate diet and achieved her goal. She’s now back to moderate carbohydrates. But I want to maintain my workout so I need carbohydrates.

No Buying of clothes until June 2025

One of my 2025 New Year’s Resolutions is not buying any clothes for the first half of the year. If I can extend it for the whole year, why not? But let’s make it doable first by targeting 55kg.

I have so many clothes for the kind of life I lead. I am a stay-at-home mom with only a part-time job. I don’t even know when’s the next work coming. And my kind of part-time work does not really need dressing up. So, I don’t need much.

I had been fascinated by having clothes custom-made here in Jakarta. We have a go-to tailor who can do anything and everything. I even have pants custom-made. I also have a fabric shop I go to with my friends. The owner knows us well and we get a good welcome whenever we go to the store. It has become addicting. But how many clothes do we really need?

I realized I even have clothes I haven’t worn yet. This made me want to go for this New Year resolution so I will always be reminded of this commitment.

Earn Money

I always rely on my husband to provide. This makes me less concerned about money because I know my husband provides our needs. But no matter how reliable my husband is, I feel the need to earn money too. That means I will try to be purposeful with my efforts.

I had the luxury of always thinking, I don’t need to earn money since I take care of the household. But my boys are older now and enjoy their time with friends. And our older son is going to University. University abroad is not cheap. While I make sure our properties in the Philippines are earning, I want to do more so I can have a more substantial contribution to our family’s expenses.

This also means it’s time for me to earn from my social media presence. I’ve always taken it for granted and didn’t mind whether I earn or not. Since I have been on social media for a long time now, I should be more purposeful in monetizing my social media presence. If you have any leads for me, do drop me a message, please.

Publish a Book

This has been a long-time dream. It is a dream I cannot make myself work on. I just know I want to publish something.

But it is easier said than done.

I might not be able to do it this year, so I am already making a big excuse for this big goal. But until I make it a reality, I will keep on putting this on my bucket list.

I only have four on my list of 2025 New Year’s Resolutions but I feel their heavy weight.

What about you, do you have a New Year’s Resolution too?


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4 thoughts on “My 2025 New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Love this healthy living Ms.wend ,as we get older ay yan ang pinakamahalaga at claim Mo Na Yan ,makapag Publish ka ng Book
    Mine din ,healthy living din at manifesting magkaroon ng negosyo kahit maliit lang 🙏🙏oohhh magsave din ng money ,mahalaga din tohh

  2. All claiming this 2025! But being consistent is one that im aiming to achieve, sa lahat ng aspeto ,ayoko mauwe sa ningas kugon ,i want results at push lng sa healthy at happy vibe this year

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