Kid-Friendly, Lifestyle, Living in South Korea

Enjoying the Nanji Camping Ground

(also published in Enjoy the Summer in Nanji) Seoul is as metropolitan as it gets. The city is teeming with people who don’t seem to sleep. Seoulites have the latest gadgets with capabilities covered by the latest technological breakthrough. But for all its technological advancements, the physical landscape is gifted and has been retained… Read More Enjoying the Nanji Camping Ground

Kid-Friendly, Lifestyle, Living in South Korea

How and Where to Celebrate your Tweens Birthdays in Seoul

My son’s friend recently turned 11. And her Mom had a fantastic idea of doing camping-turned-glamping for her and her friends. And since it was a camping-turned-glamping party, families were invited as well. So here’s an update to my post about Birthday Celebrations for your Tweens in Seoul. I am re-publishing the post here and… Read More How and Where to Celebrate your Tweens Birthdays in Seoul

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Culture, Filipinos in South Korea

Patadyong: Versatile Textile from Iloilo

I am an Ilongga living in Seoul. I come from Iloilo, located in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. I wear my patadyong, Iloilo’s traditional and most versatile textile, as my first choice among Philippines’ many choices of traditional clothing. I first wrote about my made in Miag-ao Patadyong (old website no longer exists) detailing… Read More Patadyong: Versatile Textile from Iloilo

Culture, Filipinos in South Korea

Philippine Women’s Club Hosts Hanbok and Tea Party

(also published at Experiencing Hanbok, Traditional Tea) The Philippine Women’s Club (PWC) did it again! We had ladies and a gent dressed in hanbok 한복 last April 28, 2018, at the Korean Food Temple at Jongno. The attendees wore Hanbok while the PWC ladies wore Philippine national dresses for our culture sharing. Sharing cultures through our… Read More Philippine Women’s Club Hosts Hanbok and Tea Party